ADE Educational Training, Development and Enrichment Providers
We are proud to be members of the 1 GPA procurement alliance. Contact us for your Professional Development Needs.
PBIS Training Packages
PBIS Arizona offers a comprehensive training program in Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. Schools receive specialized training tailored to their specific needs in successfully handling and preventing problematic behaviors. PBIS Arizona promotes effective practices that will benefit students, staff and faculty working together in creating a safe and positive atmosphere campus wide.
Key components of PBIS include:
Prevention-based school-wide systems of positive behavior support
Data-based decision-making for instruction of behavior and academics
Comprehensive planning for students with complex needs and their families
Interventions for Universal, Supplemental and Targeted Levels in the classroom and schoolwide.
PBIS Arizona offers trainings, seminars, and workshops designed to help your school achieve a safe and productive learning environment. School-wide PBIS is a proven framework that has the following outcomes:
Increased safety and improved school climate
Increased student, teacher, and parent satisfaction with school performance
Decreased office discipline referrals and suspensions
Training Packages Include:
Assessment of school needs used to tailor the training to district/school specific issues.
Quarterly School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) training workshops.
Trainings can occur on school site or at The Wellness Center in Goodyear, AZ.
Training materials/handouts for pre-registered individuals.
Technical assistance support and Coaching support provided at monthly.
Data Systems Support.
Two site visits to collect implementation data at the start and completion of an academic year.
Packages are available for school based teams, district teams and train the trainer models.
Contact us for pricing:
623-986-5110 X5
Workshops & Trainings
Workshops & Trainings are available upon request.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Crisis Management
Trauma Informed Practices
Behavior Deescalation
Accountability Systems
Finding the function of behavior
Behavior Intervention Planning
Developing a reinforcement system
Controlling chaos and working with challenging behaviors
Improving behavior through sensory interventions
Effective strategies for working with students with Autism
Effective strategies for working with students with Emotional Disabilities
Effective strategies for working with students with Learning Disabilities
Effective strategies for working with students with ADD/ADHD
Intro to Augmentative Communication & Assistive Technologies
Strategies to teach and improve social skills
Data Driven Decision Making
Classroom Management Essentials
Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis & behavior management techniques
Behavior Management and Interventions
Using a behavior screener to systematically identify high-risk students
Behavior tracking tools for monitoring academic and behavior progress
Special Education Laws
Yoga interventions for students with special needs
How to do differentiated instruction
Teaching to learning styles
Check – In / Check – Out systems
Working effectively with parents
Effective strategies for working with gifted students
IDEA Essentials – Intro to IEPs
IEP Compliance Essentials
How to motivate difficult, disruptive disinterested, and defiant students
How to handle the hard-to-handle students
Contact us for additional pricing information, training availability and scope of trainings and workshops.
Trainings are conducted on school sites or at the Wellness Center in Goodyear, AZ.
Contact us for more information please complete the form and we will get back to you shortly!